Corporate financial planning

Helping you plan for the financial future of your business

  • Keep up to date with policy changes and your legal obligations.

  • Enhance your recruitment and retention proposition through attractive employee benefit and staff incentive packages.

  • Manage group pensions in a tax efficient way.

  • Protect your business against the unexpected loss of shareholders and key people

No matter how good your business idea or how successful your enterprise becomes, its future may depend on how well you’ve prepared for the unexpected.

If you think about your core team, the skills and more importantly knowledge of your business and its inner workings that your key individuals have, what would you do if you unexpectedly lost them to illness or sudden death? Are they replaceable and at what cost to your business?

At Pace Ward Financial Solutions, we understand how busy you are and how hard it is to make time to focus on planning for the financial future of your organisation. We’ll do the hard work for you, assessing the risks and putting the structure in place to help mitigate them.

good to know

Corporate financial planning - your key questions, answered


What is shareholder protection?

What is loan protection?

What are relevant life plans?

What is key person insurance?

As a business owner how do I help employees to plan for their retirement?


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